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Bespoke Shoes: A Beginner’s Guide

With the popularity of bespoke shoes and customized shoes on the rise, it's no wonder that there is a lot to know about them. In this article, everything you need to know about being a beginner in the world of bespoke shoes is discussed so that you can start saving more time and money on your next pair!

What are bespoke shoes?

Bespoke shoes are made to order, which means that the shoes you buy at a store are not always exactly what you want. A tailor will take your measurements and create a pair of shoes specifically for your feet. You can also buy custom-made shoes in Edmonton.

This is a more expensive option than buying off the rack, but it can be worth it if you have specific requirements that cannot be met with a store-bought shoe.

Types of bespoke shoes

Bespoke shoes come in all shapes and sizes, but they generally fall into one of two categories: made-to-measure (MTM) and classic.

Made-to-measure shoes are custom-made to your exact specifications and can be extremely expensive. However, if you have a specific foot shape or size that you want, MTM is the perfect option for you.

Classic bespoke shoes are also custom-made, but the process is a little more relaxed. This is the type of shoe that most people think of when they think of bespoke shoes. Classic bespoke shoes typically require only a few measurements from you, and then the shoe maker will create a design based on those measurements. This means that classic besoke shoes tend to be a bit more affordable than MTM shoes, but they may not be as customizable.

Either type of bespoke shoe can be made in any style you desire, so it's important to choose the right one for your needs. Here are some tips to help you decide which type of bespoke shoe is right for you: