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Maintenance & Automatic Pool Cover Care

Welcome back! Automatic pool covers are a popular safety feature for inground pools, but they tend to be high maintenance. And since inground automatic pool covers can cost $10-15K – it’s a product that you want to protect and maintain.

As an automatic pool cover owner, you’ll benefit from the clean pool, heat conservation, and unparalleled safety. But what kind of maintenance can you expect with an automatic pool cover? Will you need professional help, or can you do it all yourself?


On a daily basis, make sure that your cover is closed by glancing out the window. An Automatic swimming pool cover reel/roller should be set up and ready to go if any rain should come through. The pool water level may have to be maintained daily if the pool is leaking significantly.

Monitor the water chemistry and chlorine levels on a near-daily basis. Keeping a good water balance and low chlorine levels is the best thing you can do to protect an automatic pool cover. For this reason, we recommend sanitizers to auto cover owners, to help them reduce their chlorine demand.


Open the Cover fully once per week. On a weekly basis, automatic covers should be opened for several hours, to allow chlorine byproducts to dissipate by gassing-off at the pool surface. This protects the cover material from corrosive chloramines. 

Always leave the cover open for several hours after adding large volumes of pool chemicals, and after shocking the pool, keep the cover open until chlorine levels subside.

Be sure that your water level is proper. If the water level goes below mid-skimmer, it places stress on the cover webbing, ropes, and tracks. And if it gets below the skimmer level, any added water weight on top of the cover adds exponentially more stressful.