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Aerial Photography is the Next Big Thing in Real Estate

Real estate photos can make or break an ad. A bad image (or none at all) can lose potential buyers as quickly as they can click on their next bid. The best realtors post the maximum number of pictures and make sure they show the best features of the property. The best agents post photos – to make sure the pictures are the best they can be. 

Ultimately, the goal of sales ad marketing is to entice potential buyers to pick up the phone and ask for an ad. A good photo can do that, a bad one can't. In this latest trend for highly competitive businesses, the best agencies also make sure to include aerial photos, especially in high-end ads. Many hire expert architectural photographers for this purpose. You can also consult an expert architectural photographer in Melbourne via

The must-have image for every real estate advert:

1) Front view, back view.

2) Doors, beautiful frames that invite viewers to enter.

3) Kitchen, especially if it's newly renovated.

4) Appliances, especially when updating.

5) Landscape with as much color and interest as possible.

6) Outdoor areas such as verandas, terraces, huts, swimming pools.

7) Outbuildings, guest rooms, casitas.

8) Architectural details such as wide staircases and ceiling details.

Once those have been added to the marketing campaign, it is important to add aerial photographic images to really step up the presentation of the property for sale.