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The Best Gutter Guard Makes Water a Friend Instead of an Enemy to Your Home

Water is an enemy without the best gutter protector installed on your home. Presuming your roofing is not leaking you want to make sure that all the rainwater that runs down the roof does not have a chance of getting into your windows, siding, and basement.

Ideally, if you have a large overhang of about two feet and the ground around your foundation is sloped away from the foundation, and have a bed of decorative rocks all around your home, you really don't need gutters. The rocks simply disperse the water falling from your roof.

With a two-foot overhang, water will rarely be blown onto your windows and siding. The rocks won't erode like would happen with grass or mulch but instead serve to distribute the rainwater. You can also use the best gutter protection for your home.

The good news is that rainwater will flow away from the foundation since the ground is sloped away from the foundation. If you're designing a new home, this is an ideal design.

Unfortunately, not everyone is this lucky. Most homes have an overhang of a foot at most meaning that it's easy for any water from the roof to be blown back to the siding and windows. Similarly, it's unlikely that you'll find a home with a bed of decorative rocks around its perimeter with the ground sloped away from the foundation.

Without a large overhang, rocks around the perimeter, and the ground sloped away from the foundation, you'll need gutters to collect the rainwater from the roof.

If you have no trees around your home, you simply need to make sure your gutter installation is a quality one with effective sealing of joints at end caps and inside or outside corners. Likewise, you'll need to make sure that the downspouts lead the water away from your foundation and are unobstructed.

Why Your Home Should Have Gutters

Usually, after heavy rains and strong winds, gutters can become clogged with leaves, twigs, and other large debris that are not worth handling. While the frequency with which this type of pollution cleans depends on where you live and how bad the weather is at any time of year, it's not uncommon for homeowners to do this cleaning more often than they do at the worst of times.

Using a gutter cover can drastically reduce the number of times you have to take the ladder and climb onto the roof to clean the gutter. If you want your gutters to stay clean and safe, you can choose the best guttering system via

If left unchecked, traffic jams can cause leaks that impact other parts of your home, such as the bathroom walls can be damaged. In addition, standing water can lead to the growth of weeds and vegetation if the blockage is not removed promptly.

Worse yet, in such conditions, disease-carrying mosquitoes tend to nest in clogged rainwater drains so that the rainwater they collect does not flow anywhere.

The shield is designed to be attached to a rain gutter so that the gutter can continuously collect and drain water while protecting it from large dirt particles.

With this information it should also be noted that gutter protection does not have a universal design. There are different types of gutter covers and while they all do the same job, each type handles the same thing differently. It is up to you to decide which sign to put on your gutter.