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Debunking Frozen Foods Myths – Tips From Wholesale Food Suppliers

The consumption of frozen food has always been treated with skepticism. We often hear that frozen food can harm our health. Although recent studies by authorities such as the Frozen Food Federation have helped raise that perception.

Is frozen food good for health or dangerous? Let's discuss some of the most common negative perceptions about frozen food. Nowadays you can also contact Frozen Grade a Chicken Paws Supplier for Best Frozen Foods.

Nutritional value

One of the most common negative perceptions about frozen food is that it doesn't contain the same nutrients as fresh food. A study conducted by the University of Georgia showed that frozen foods and vegetables contain the same nutrients as fresh foods.

In fact, freezing prolongs the life and nutritional value of food. Foods like broccoli, chickpeas, peas, cauliflower, strawberries, blueberries, etc. have been tested.

Many other factors were also considered in conducting this research, such as: the conditions under which they grew and the supply chain.

Frozen foods tend to have a higher nutritional value, especially vitamins A and C, because of the natural damage that fresh foods in stock may cause. The current growing knowledge supports the nutritional value of frozen foods.

Marketing strategy

Fresh foods are often marketed for their nutritional value, even though they have significant nutritional value for consumers.

In general, people don't realize the benefits of frozen food unless frozen food providers take this opportunity and change their marketing strategy to promote frozen food and take advantage of its nutritional benefits. It is much easier for them now that research is being done in this area.