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Adding Epoxy Floors To Your Garage In Wheatley, ON

Adding epoxy floors to your garage is a great way to improve both its appearance and to add value to your home. Many homeowners have resolved this year to make home improvements that increase salability and value. The National Association of Realtors includes epoxy garage coatings on their list of home improvements that add the most value and returns.

As with any home improvement project, good planning is necessary for a successful project. After applying an epoxy and flake product with additives, you may want to add an extra clear coat. You can easily get the best services of epoxy garage floor coating via

Lastly, think about other garage repairs you might want to do this year to get the most out of your home.

Preparation is the key to success

The first step is to choose the specific epoxy system you want to use and choose your paint and additives. Decide on the area you want to cover, then visit your local home or hardware store for product suggestions.

Before applying the product itself, the floor must be cleaned of all existing layers and any holes or cracks must be patched. All floor surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and defatted, otherwise the product will not adhere properly.

Laying epoxy floor products

Epoxy kits come with all the products you need, but most come with enough for just one coat. Experts recommend applying two coats for best results, and most epoxy manufacturers agree. Also, remember your added product because if you apply it too thickly to begin with, you will be finished before you cover the entire area evenly.