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Why You Should Invest In A Pool Overlay

Spending your summertime poolside can be relaxing and exciting, but make sure that you're doing everything possible to protect your investment. keep reading to know how pool overlays are a great way to make sure that the water stays clean, while also keeping your pool looking good.

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Benefits of Owning a Swimming Pool

1. Owning your pool is a great way to enjoy the summer weather and stay active.

2. Swimming pools are a great place to relax and have fun with friends.

3. Pool overlays can help keep your pool clean and looking great.

4. Pool overlays can also protect your pool from damage caused by wind and rain.

5. A pool can be a great place to spend time with friends and family.

6. Pool ownership can also provide rental income.

7. A pool can add value to your property.

How to Save on Your Swimming Pool Maintenance Costs

One of the best ways to save on your swimming pool maintenance costs is to invest in a pool overlay. They also help keep the pool clean and free from algae growth. 

Overlays can be installed as a permanent solution or as a temporary measure for high-traffic areas or during periods of heavy rain. Permanent overlays are typically more expensive than temporary ones, but they can last for several years without requiring any additional maintenance. If you’re interested in investing in an overlay, be sure to speak with your swimming pool contractor about specific features that would be most beneficial for your pool.

Why You Should Invest in a Pool Overlay

One great reason to invest in a pool overlay is for the environmental benefits. Overlays can reduce water usage by up to 30 percent, depending on the design. In addition, they can help conserve energy and reduce emissions from heating and cooling systems. Finally, overlays can improve air quality by trapping pollutants before they enter the atmosphere.





How to Install an Automatic Pool Cover

Automatic pool covers are a great way to keep your pool protected from the sun and wind.

Summertime is a great time to spend outdoors, but it can be tough to keep your pool clean and dry when the sun comes out. That's where automatic pool covers come in! These covers work like a charm to keep your pool clean and dry all day long, regardless of the weather. Here's how to install an automatic pool cover: 

1. Choose the perfect automatic swimming pool cover  for you. There are many different types of automatic pool covers on the market, so choose one that will fit your needs perfectly. Make sure you read the instructions carefully before you start installation! 

2. Set up your cover system. You'll need to set up a system of cables and pulleys in order to install your cover. Make sure you have enough room on your deck or patio so that the cables and pulleys can move around freely. 

3. Install the cover system. Start by attaching one end of the cable to one of the supports near your pool, then attach the other end of the cable to the cover itself. 


Summertime is the perfect time to spend outdoors swimming and enjoying the sun. However, if your pool isn’t protected from the weather, you might be in for a disappointing day at the pool.Luckily, there are a number of options available to cover your pool automatically when it’s not in use. Some systems require minimum usage before they will start to cover the pool; others go into full coverage mode as soon as it starts raining or getting too windy outside.