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Sing Like A Star

Most children love to sing and are encouraged to do so from a young age at school. Singing is a fun activity that seems to spring naturally from a desire to be creative and expressive. 

However, even if your child already has a wonderful voice, singing classes can help them to develop even further in myriad ways, perhaps in some, you were not even aware of. Nowadays anyone can learn to sing with confidence with the help of music lessons.

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Children who take singing classes learn about more than just how to mimic a melody. They learn how to truly use their voice properly to prevent damage to the vocal cords, and how to breathe to make sure they are able to put enough power behind their voice. 

Singing classes for children also help with the development of the lungs and the development of correct posture.

It has also been shown that in young children, singing opens up new neural pathways in the brain, which results in great developmental benefit as far as cognitive ability. 

Children who learn to sing at a young age make better associations between words and activities and show a greater aptitude for memory and knowledge retention. Singing lessons for children will result in an expanded vocabulary, and better articulation when speaking.

Children who take singing classes are often able to overcome shyness and are better able to concentrate. They will feel less nervous or anxious about dealing with people. 

Singing classes can also provide them a valuable skill that they may be able to use as a part-time or full-time career. Once a child sees that they have a talent for singing, with the right instruction, they will begin to feel more confident in their abilities.