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The Best Primary Schools In Toowoomba

Whether your child is just starting school or you are looking for a new kindergarten, you'll find that schools in Toowoomba have plenty of options. In fact, the city has more than just public and private schools – it has a variety of programs for all types of learners. The schools on this list are among the best (no surprise there!), with highly trained teachers and lots of activities to keep your kids engaged.

What Is A Primary School?

Primary schools are a type of school that has students at the age between five and twelve. They teach children how to read, write, and do the math. Primary school is divided into two parts; one for students in grades 1-4, and another for students in grades 5-6.

There are many different primary schools in Toowoomba. Some focus on giving students more time to play, while others are more focused on teaching academic subjects. You can search online for the best primary schools in Toowoomba or go to

How To Get Into The Best School In Toowoomba?

A parent wants to know how to get their child into the best school in Toowoomba. The first thing they should do is register with the school's website before speaking directly with a teacher or an administrator. Once they are registered, they can send in their child's application.

They must provide proof that their child has completed a basic literacy test and can provide proof of residency of Toowoomba. The cost of admission varies depending on which type of school it is and whether the applicant is currently enrolled at another school or not.


The best school in Toowoomba is the St. John's school. It has many great teachers, a campus that offers lots of activities for students to partake in, and its location is perfect for families with young children. It also has very good sport facilities to help its pupils with their fitness levels.