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How to Choose the Right Facial Serum for Your Skin Type

Human bodies are living machine that functions through a web of organs' cells. Cells are constantly changing, so the body is never the same as it was the day before. Skin cells make up this remarkable system. There are a lot of companies that provide facial serum. We are one of them. You can buy ATANASIO Age defying facial serum for the best results.

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The first type is known as "Normal." Normal is clear pimple-free skin that is soft and doesn't break. The skin doesn't feel oily or dry and the skin is smooth and soft. People with normal skin use regular skin products for their skincare, while other users use organic alternatives which have just the right mix of vitamins and minerals in the serum to ensure that your skin appears natural and is healthy.

The second category is sensitive. The sensitive skin type is the most delicate skin type and requires special attention. Skin that is sensitive can easily cause irritation.

The first step is to stay clear of products that contain sulfates as well as synthetic ingredients. A natural face serum that is moisturizing and cleanses your skin, without subjecting it to harmful detergents is the best.

The combination skin is the next type. If the skin appears dry and dry on the cheeks but only around the nose, forehead, and chin, it's known as combination skin. The best facial cream that is suitable for this type of skin includes glycolic acid as well as Vitamins A and E. The quantity of glycolic acid in the serum is crucial as a high concentration could cause irritation to the skin.

The best product for a face with an oily complexion is an organic clay masque, as well as a facial cream that is non-oil-based. Skin serums with salicylic acid or glycolic reduce oil production and Retinol products can reduce the production of oil due to pores that are too active.