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Get Professional Help to Get Your Second Passport

There's been a lot of talk around the world these days about getting a "second passport". Some may blame the recent economic downturn for attracting more people to the topic. However, we know that while much remains unpublished, obtaining a "second passport" is a trend for a few who are willing to make serious investments in another country.

It is known that the countries will continue to tax their citizens as long as they renew their passports. For this reason, many ex-pats take advantage of investment banking, finance, and business when doing so in tax-exempt countries. The question now is, will the IRS, which has been pursuing "tax evaders" for years, let this tax evasion problem linger?

Well, as long as there aren't laws against dual citizenship or laws against traveling on a "second or even third passport," would-be ex-pats don't need to worry. Ex-pats can obtain their second passport from various reliable companies such as

Possessing a dual nationality and a second passport implies that you are legally a citizen of two countries simultaneously. You can get this by birth or by marriage.

For instance, a family who has been living abroad for quite some time gives birth to a child in that country. The child could be both a citizen of the country where he is born and also a citizen of the original country of his/her parents.