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Guide to Hoisting and Rigging Safety In Virginia

When working with hoisting and rigging, it's incredibly important that proper safety procedures be followed.

These safety procedures make sure that equipment is functioning properly, protect operators and other workers, and keep work on schedule by preventing breakdowns, injuries, and other hazardous situations.

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Pre-shift visual inspection

Before every shift, all cranes, hoists, rigging, and other tools that are used to lift or transport material need to be visually inspected. This inspection should include:

  • If an operator reported during a previous shift that a crane or other device was not working properly, those specific complaints should be followed up on and confirmed.
  • The person performing the safety check needs to be qualified to determine whether or not the device is functioning correctly.
  • Control and drive mechanism components should be inspected for excessive wearing or degradation.
  • All air, hydraulic, and other pressurized lines need to be checked for leakage or damage, especially those that flex or bend during normal operation.
  • Make sure that all hooks, latches, and other pieces used for securing do not have any damage and are locking correctly.
  • Check that all ropes and wires are in good shape and are being used according to the correct specifications.
  • Inspect any electrical components to make sure they are functioning correctly and are properly clean and dry. 

If the pre-shift inspection identifies any issues, a qualified member of personnel needs to determine if the issues constitute a safety hazard. If they do, the device needs to be removed from service.