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Effects Of Human Population On Ecosystems and the Food Chain

An ecosystem is usually defined as the mix of physical, biological, and chemical factors that make an area. It can range from a pond forest to a desert. The increasing problem of overpopulation affects the ecosystem and the food chain.  Ecology is the process of explaining how the many components of an ecosystem work together and function whether it's how much energy is generated by photosynthesis, or how materials and energy flow through the food chain.


effects of human population


Energy flows in a constant cycle of growth, decay, and back again throughout an ecosystem. However, energy transfer throughout the food chain is more inefficient when it moves from the primal producer through the herbivore prima consumer level, and then on to the carnivore level.

This is fine when all the elements of the ecosystem are in harmony and working well together, however, it isn't that difficult to shake it up.

Changes in the climate, like prolonged drought or heavy rainfall, could affect the balance of things or change the population of animals, meaning that it could be the case that there are too many predators to be able to survive in a particular region.

A similar amount of intensive farming means there isn't enough time for the soil to replenish the nutrients naturally during the process of decay and growth. The human population continues to increase as life expectancy as well as birth rates rise, adding to the strain on the ecosystem.

However, it is obvious that increasing the production of food must be done in a sustainable manner because the disadvantages of traditional methods of farming have been exposed and not just because of the adverse effects of the residues from the previous fertilizers on human health.

This is because these innovative people provide sufficient food supply and safeguard the soil and its fragile ecosystems for the foreseeable future.