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Root Canal Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure used to remove infected and damaged tissue inside the tooth. This procedure is typically used to treat teeth that have been damaged by decay or trauma and can be an effective way to save a tooth from extraction. Root canal treatment is a common procedure and has a success rate of over 90%. 

The procedure begins with an X-ray of the affected tooth to determine the extent of the damage and to plan the treatment. Then, the dentist will make a small hole in the tooth to access the infected area. Once the canal is accessed, the dentist will use special instruments to remove the damaged tissue and clean the canal. This process involves using a combination of hand files and rotary instruments to remove the infected material. Also, you can contact Park Dental Brooklyn to resolve all your queries regarding dental root canal treatment. 


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Once the root canal is properly cleaned and shaped, the dentist will fill the canal with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. The tooth is then sealed with a crown or filling to protect it from further infection or damage. Depending on the severity of the damage to the tooth, the dentist may also recommend a dental crown to help restore the appearance of the tooth. 

Although root canal treatment is a common procedure, it is important to remember that it may not be the most suitable option for every patient. Some people may be better suited for other types of treatment, such as a dental implant or a bridge. It is important to discuss all options with your dentist before deciding which treatment is best for you. 

Root canal treatment is a safe and effective procedure and can be a great way to save damaged teeth from extraction. If you are experiencing tooth pain or think you may need a root canal, be sure to talk to your dentist. They can help you decide if root canal treatment is the right course of action for you.