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Soil Vapor Testing: What It Is

Soil vapor testing is a scientific method used to measure the level of toxic gases in the soil. It is most commonly used to determine if there are high levels of pollutants such as methane, carbon dioxide, and ozone in the air below the ground. Soil vapor testing is a lab technique used to determine the presence of solvents, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other pollutants in soil.

The benefits of soil vapor testing (SVT) are innumerable. SVT is a process that can be used to identify problems with the soil and groundwater systems. By doing so, SVT can help to improve the overall quality of life for those who live in or use the affected areas. Here are just a few of the many benefits of SVT:- 

1. It can help to identify potential contaminants in the soil and groundwater systems.

2. It can help to determine if any remediation is necessary.

3. It can help to determine the susceptibility of a site to flooding and erosion.

4. It can help to determine if there is an issue with subsurface geology. 

5. It can help to determine the relationship between soil, groundwater, and climate change.

6. It can provide information about how various types of contaminants are distributed throughout the site and impact areas near sources or in shallow contamination.