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The Ultimate Guide To Kitesurfing In El Gouna Egypt

Kitesurfing, also known as kiteboarding, is a water sport that uses a kite to propel a rider through the water on a small board. It is considered an extreme sport and has gained popularity in recent years. Kitesurfing is a combination of windsurfing, surfing, and wakeboarding, and is typically done in salt water. 

The sport of kitesurfing in El Gouna, Egypt requires strong winds to provide enough power to lift the rider and board off the water. Kitesurfers use a bar attached to the kite to control its direction and speed. The board is attached to the kite by a harness, which allows the rider to move freely while being pulled by the kite. 

Kitesurfing in El Gouna, Egypt can be performed in waves, flat water, or both. Wave riding is considered the most challenging and dangerous form of kitesurfing, as it requires precise timing and maneuvering to ride the wave while avoiding being pulled underwater by the force of the wave. Flat water kitesurfing is less dangerous but can be more difficult to master, as riders must maintain control of the kite in order to avoid being pulled across the water at high speeds. 

If you're interested in learning how to kitesurf, there are a few things you need to know before getting started. First, you'll need to find a good spot to kitesurf. This spot should have consistent wind and large open space. Once you've found a good spot, you'll need to purchase a kite and harness. You can find these items at most sporting goods stores. Finally, you'll need to take some lessons from a qualified kitesurfing instructor. With these three things in mind, you're ready to start learning how to kitesurf!