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What is a Diamond Ring?

Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Not only do they add sparkle and shine to any outfit, but they also tend to be a symbol of love and commitment. However, not all diamond rings are created equal. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when you buy diamond ring:

-Diamonds should be the main focus of your purchase. If the ring is too simple or generic, it may not be as impressive or symbolic of your relationship as a more intricately designed ring would be.

-Think about what kind of design you're looking for. A traditional diamond wedding band is typically symmetrical with round or princess cuts, while an asymmetrical ring might feature one large diamond in the center flanked by smaller stones around it.

-Be sure to consider the size and shape of your diamond before making your purchase. The bigger and rounder the diamond, the more expensive it will likely be. Smaller diamonds can be found at a lower cost but may not look as flashy or luxurious on your finger.

-Be sure to take into account how often you plan on wearing the ring. Diamonds aren't meant to last forever; they should only be worn occasionally during special occasions like weddings or engagements because they can eventually lose their shine and color over time.