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What You Need To Know About Tooth Crown

A tooth crown is a dental restoration that covers the visible part of a tooth above the gum line. It is also known as a cap and is used to protect and strengthen a tooth that has been weakened by decay, a large filling, or to improve its appearance. To get more details about Tooth crown, you may look at this website.

Types of Crowns: Crowns are made of different materials such as porcelain, metal alloys, and a combination of both. Porcelain crowns are the most natural-looking and are often used for front teeth, while metal crowns are stronger and more durable and are used for back teeth. 

How Are Crowns Placed?: A crown procedure typically takes two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the tooth is prepared by removing any decay, filling it, and shaping it. An impression is taken of the tooth and a temporary crown is placed. During the second visit, the temporary crown is removed and the permanent crown is cemented in place. 

Caring for Your Crowns: Crowns can last for many years when they are properly cared for. Regular brushing and flossing are essential to keep the crown and the surrounding teeth healthy. Avoiding hard and sticky foods is also recommended to reduce the risk of the crown becoming loose or damaged. 


A tooth crown is a dental restoration that can be used to protect and strengthen a weakened tooth, or to improve its appearance. Crowns come in various materials and require two visits to the dentist to be placed. Good oral hygiene is essential to keeping your crowns in good shape.