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Tips that can help you Nurture a Growth Mindset

 course online drug awareness

Courtesy – addictioncenter

Fairly broadly, mindsets are categorized into two types – fixed and growth. People with fixed mindsets consider ability and intelligence to be fixed and failure as final and avoid challenges. However, growth mindsets accept challenges as growth opportunities. And when the latter make efforts, they unlock new achievements with better skills and knowledge.

While reading this, you might be wondering how to create that growth mindset. So, here’s what you can do.

  • Be active in seeking challenges and keep pushing yourself to opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Embrace your imperfections and flaws. Instead of hiding, use them as opportunities to develop yourself.
  • Explore your strengths, start small, and challenge yourself to build bigger
  • Curiosity is the fuel for learning. So, let your inner child wonder, ask questions, and explore the world.
  • Choose your thoughts and words deliberately. Always try to flip the switch towards a positive and encouraging tone.
  • Every critique brings an opportunity for growth. So, watch the criticism closely and filter the positives out of it.
  • When anyone makes efforts (including yourself), embrace them and that will help improve capacity as a result.
  • Always try one more time and you will win over the failures eventually.
  • Relish all the growth opportunities life puts you through and embrace efforts more than outcomes.
  • Re-think what you would refer to as a genius. Hard work and not only talent (definitely not raw talent) build genius minds that innovate.
  • Don’t let an addiction to bad things influence you. And if you need help, you can take a drug awareness course online.

Thus, creating a growth mindset isn’t something out of your reach. And following the right approach can help you achieve your goals.